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Energy resonance between  the moon and clay

I have leaned and been practicing Tsukuyomi Clay Therapy (月読みクレイセラピーⓇ) developed by Mrs Toshiko Arikawa which takes account of the changes of energy according to  the moon phases. She was very brave to connect clay therapy with spirituality when people sought after scientific evidences for anything! Now her method is recognised widely and her classes in Japan is very popular. 

After I finished her course, I realised that I needed to adapt the method in my own way as the clays I chose to use are not from the same manufacturers.

So I channelled to see which clay resonates with which phase of the moon and I also added in what kind of energies. The result is the chart on the right.

When you choose your clay for a bath, a face pack or a foot bath etc. to relax, here is a hint for you.

A moon phase illustration starting from new moon on the top. The texts on the right tell you the types of clays we recommend to use as the spiritual energy of the clay coincide with the luna phase and eco with the vibrations of the goodnesses described there.
Or when you are too tired to decide which clay to use, this chart comes really handy!

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